Spicy Chili Bean Soup Recipe
'complete meal' soup certainly doesn't need salt to bring out the
full flavor of the ingredients.
Recipe : Spicy Chili Bean Soup
Ingredients :
90ml / 3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 onions, roughly chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
15ml / 1 tbsp ground cumin
10ml / 2 tbsp ground paprika
1 red or green chili pepper, seeded and finely
225g / 80z minced beef
790g / 1.75 lb canned tomatoes, chopped
860ml / 1.5 pints chicken or vegetable stock
90g / 3 oz tomato puree
5ml / 1 tsp oregano
1 bay leaf
140ml / 1/4 pint beer
freshly ground black pepper
120g / 4 oz each of canned red kidney beans, chick
peas, and white pinto beans, drained and thoroughly rinsed
Method :
Heat the
oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and
cook slowly until they become transparent. Stir in the cumin,
paprika and chili pepper. Increase the heat and cook quickly for 30
seconds, stirring all the time. Add the meat and cook until lightly
browned, breaking up any large pieces with a fork. Add the tomatoes
and their juice, the stock, tomato puree, oregano, bay leaf, beer
and ground pepper. Stir well, then bring to the boil. Cover and
simmer for approximately 50 minutes, checking the level of liquid
several times during the cooking and adding more water if the soup
seems too dry. During the last 15 minutes of cooking, add the
drained beans, stirring them in to mix well.
Cook's tip - If you cannot buy canned beans and chick
peas, use 60g / 2 oz each of dried beans. Soak them overnight and
cook thoroughly for 1 hour before using in this recipe.
Serving idea - Serve with a mixed garnish of chopped
fresh tomatoes, chopped spring onions and cubed avocado which has
been sprinkled with lemon juice.
Serves 4-6
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