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Ham and Green Pepper Omelette Recipe

Use 'tendersweet' ham in this recipe to keep the salt content as low as possible.

Recipe : Ham and Green Pepper Omelette

Ingredients :

3 eggs

30ml / 2 tbsp milk

freshly ground black pepper

15ml / 1 tbsp vegetable oil

30g / 1 oz chopped green pepper

2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and roughly chopped

60g / 2 oz lean ham, cut into small dice

Method :

Break the eggs into the bowl and beat in the milk and pepper. Heat the oil in a omelette pan and fry the green pepper until it is just soft. Stir in the tomatoes and the ham. Heat through for 1 minute. Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan over the vegetables. Stir the mixture briskly with a wooden spoon, until it begins to cook. As the egg begins to set, lift it slightly and tilt the pan to allow the uncooked egg underneath. When the egg on top is still slightly creamy, fold the omelette in half and slip it onto a serving plate. Serve immediately.

Serving idea - Serve the omelette with a crisp leaf salad and French bread.

Cook's tip - To peel tomatoes easily, cut a small cross into the skin and drop them into boiling water for about 10 seconds, then plunge into cold water. This loosens the peel.

Variation - Use any selection of your favorite vegetable to vary this delicious dish.

Makes 1

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