Chocolate Brandy Mousse Recipe
chocolate and brandy blend together to create a delicious mousse
which sets to a rich cream in the refrigerator.
Recipe : Chocolate Brandy Mousse
Ingredients :
180g / 6oz plain chocolate
75ml water
15g / 1 tbsp unsalted butter
3 eggs, separated
30ml / 2 tbsp brandy
60ml / 4 tbsp grated chocolate
Method :
Break the
chocolate into small pieces and place in a large bowl with the
water. Stand the bowl over a saucepan which has been half filled
with simmering water. Stir the chocolate and water together until
they melt and combine thoroughly. Remove the bowl from the saucepan
and allow to cool slightly. Cut the butter into small dice and add
this to the melted chocolate, stirring it gently to blend it in as
it melts.
Beat the
egg yolks, one at a time, into the melted chocolate mixture, then
stir in the brandy. Put the egg whites into a large bowl and whisk
them with an electric or hand whisk, until they are stiff, but not
dry. Fold these carefully into the chocolate mixture. Divide the
chocolate mousse between 6 serving dishes and chill overnight before
serving. Sprinkle with grated chocolate to serve.
Watchpoint - Take great care not to melt the chocolate too
quickly or it will separate.
Variation - Add half a teaspoon of grated orange rind and 30ml /
2 tbsp Cointreau in place of the brandy in this recipe.
Serves 6
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