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Sweet Vanilla Peaches Recipe

Recipe : Sweet Vanilla Peaches

Ingredients :

8 ripe peaches

3 cups white wine

2 tbsp honey

1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise

mint leaves, to garnish

Method :

Place the peaches in a heatproof bowl. Cover with boiling water and leave for one minute; drain and remove skins - they will slip off easily. Combine white wine, honey and vanilla bean in a large pan. Stir over low heat until honey has dissolved. Add peaches and poach until fruit is just tender.

Remove from heat and allow to cool, then refrigerate for several hours. Remove vanilla bean, wash and store for re-use another time. Serve peaches simply in stemmed glasses with poaching liquid and a sprig of mint to garnish.

Fat per serve : 0 grams

Hint: The sweet, white-fleshed peaches available in late summer are best for this recipe. In winter, try cooking peeled and cored pears in the same way and serve warm or chilled.

Serves 4

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